In our everyday life handbag is a special essential part for women. Without it, we almost obsolete. Now a day it is a part of fashion and style. It is mostly associated with the cleanliness of your body. Because, many times we put our our here and there and then took it up again. But once anyone think of the bacterial infection can occur from it? And it may cause skin problems, allergies, bowel disease etc.
Recent ABC News revealed that, each bag is a niche for numerous bacteria. One of these is coliform bacteria. But you'll be surprised to know that, these are the people and animal waste bacteria! In fact, we kept the bag on public transport, public toilets, fast food counters, floors, chairs, even in a rickshaw’s footrest. These are the place for bacteria. There are not only the coliform bacteria, but also e-coli bacteria are present, which directly and indirectly spreads infection. As well as variety of fungus taking refuge in the bag. They are spreading in your body and your family members too. In addition to the bags, cell phone, business cards, wallet, glasses, Sunglasses, tissues, makeup, pen, credit cards, and can infect anyone.
To keep away this problem you have to be careful and aware from now. Do keep the bag on bus, toilet floors, bathroom and counters or in rickshaw. If it is not possible be sure to clean them whenever possible. Not only on the outside as well as inside. Dry it in the sun. Do not leave it in damp places. Wherever you go, no matter whether your or your partner bags wash your hands whenever possible.